The Neat Lifestyle Podcast
Redesign your lifestyle for a meaningful and fulfilling life. The Neat Lifestyle Podcast is a unique variety show that gives you an extra dose of inspiration and creates a bridge between where you are and where you want to go. Get ready for new perspectives, explore new possibilities, and create new turning points in your life. Listen now!
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Song: Green Lights
Performed By: DLP
Written by: Daniel Labate (BMI 100%)
Published by: Boss Soundstripe Productions (BMI 100%)
Song (Trailer): Epic Hybrid Trailer Music
Performed by: by 2CoolFire
Licensed by: Envato Market
Cover Photo: Angela Clifton Photography
Hair and Make-up: Casey J. Cheek
The Neat Lifestyle Podcast
#23: Unlock Your Hidden Power to Creating the Lifestyle You Want
Creating the lifestyle we want is not really about getting work first and shaping how we live according to it. It's backward! It's about envisioning first the lifestyle we want and then making work fit into it. In this episode, let's unlock the hidden power within you to create the lifestyle you want.
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Song: Green Lights
Performed By: DLP
Written by: Daniel Labate (BMI 100%)
Published by: Boss Soundstripe Productions (BMI 100%)
Song (Trailer): Epic Hybrid Trailer Music
Performed by: by 2CoolFire
Licensed by: Envato Market
Cover Photo: Angela Clifton Photography
Hair and Make-up: Casey J. Cheek
Welcome to The Neat Lifestyle Podcast. My name is Katia Mesquita. I'm a life coach, an online business entrepreneur, and your host on this weekly variety show. I'm excited to bring you an extra dose of inspiration to reorganize life to find and go after what you really want. My goal in this podcast is to help you achieve a more successful, harmonious, and meaningful life. I can't wait to connect with you today. Thank you so much for tuning in, and now let's begin. Hello and welcome to The Neat Lifestyle Podcast, now present in 43 countries worldwide. Thank you so much for pushing play today. I'm your host, Katia Mesquita, and this is episode number 23. In today's episode, let's talk about unlocking your hidden power to create the lifestyle you want. By the way, how is your current lifestyle? I hope you like it, but if you are not quite satisfied, let's talk about it.
For me, I didn't really enjoy my previous lifestyle for a long time until I realized that I would never have the lifestyle I have today if I had let all external circumstances shape the way I would live. I had to find a way to shape my way to live despite of the circumstances and not let the circumstances have power over me, and I determined the way I wanted to live. Alright, it's absolutely normal to have a moment in our lives in which we get a job and have the lifestyle we can have according to work, but I realized that I was letting this situation remain like that for too long because to really enjoy the lifestyle we want, it's backward. It's not really about getting a job first and shaping the lifestyle according to work. It's actually about creating a vision of the lifestyle we want and then fit the work into it.
And this power was hidden within me and I didn't know about it for too long. I was expecting the perfect situation, the perfect moment, probably having a better salary, a better income, and then I would change my lifestyle or, you know, waiting for all the stars align in the sky. I was waiting for others, I was waiting for external circumstances, but the power was within me, was within my decision to shape the life according to the way I wanted to live and then make the work fit into it. I was the one who needed to take charge and little by little reshape everything. I realized that I couldn't sit and wait for other people to do it for me, take the initiative, or wait for them to help me out because many of them were benefiting from my status quo. In other words, many of them wanted me to remain in the position I was because they would benefit from it.
So, I had to be the one to decide enough is enough. Then, I formulated a new vision for what I wanted my lifestyle to be and created a strategy to make my work fit into it. Then I learned the skills. I joined some coaching programs. I organized to buy all I needed little by little, and once I got everything, I started to set aside a budget to test some new offers by advertising different things and seeing what my potential new clients wanted for me. I kept going and basically transformed my life and going after what I really wanted. And now I just work, like, four days a week. I love this lifestyle of having three days off per week to enjoy what I want, to have my personal projects, some time to rest, unplug from digital devices, and have some creative time to stimulate my creativity.
I enjoy time with my family and friends. I feel like I regained my life back. I am finally living. This was the lifestyle I envisioned and made happen. I chose to work with what I'm passionate about. I love having my coaching clients and hosting this podcast. And another thing that I wanted was to work online because I wanted to have this flexibility to travel, and as long as the place has a reliable internet connection, things work, and I feel free. Of course, I had to develop self-confidence, develop also new skills. I had to be bold. And I felt really happy and flattered when a special friend told me I was bold, and so thoughtfully, this person shared with me a quote that says, "Fortune favors the bold." Thank you, my friend. You made my day sharing this quote. It meant a lot to me. I didn't have the opportunity to tell you that, but here I am, and I love when people send me quotes. It's certainly a way to make a valuable contribution.
Anyway, this power to formulate a new vision of the lifestyle you want is within yourself. You just need to unlock it. But how to do that? I'm gonna share with you some insights that can be helpful and give you some idea of where to start. The first one is, regardless of your current lifestyle, you can start by writing down how you would like to live, how many days and hours you would like to work per week, and where you would like to live. At this stage, we are envisioning something to be a goal. Don't be intimidated if you still don't know how to get there. Just remember that everything starts with a vision. A construction, for instance, everything starts with a vision of the building, of how the building will look like, and then this vision is transferred to a blueprint, right? To serve as a guide to start the construction, and so does the lifestyle you want to create. First, we envision, then we design the blueprint of the lifestyle we want, and then we build it. We make it happen.
We don't start by judging and questioning if it's possible or not. We make it possible. Designing the lifestyle we want is the starting point of making it possible, and we start gaining power by asking ourselves, "How do I make it possible?" "How do I make it happen?" And why is it important to ask ourselves these kind of questions? It's because when we make outcome-oriented questions, there is part of the brain that is going to work to bring the answers, and this part of the brain works for us regardless of whether we wanted or not. One example that I usually bring up is the lemon exercise. Many of you are already familiar because I mentioned in previous episodes, but for those who are not familiar yet, it works like that: I usually ask my coaching clients, please don't think of a lemon. Don't think of a lemon being cut into two slices, and please don't take one of those slices to squeeze the juice into your mouth. Don't think of you now chewing the slice of lemon.
So, what happened? I believe you had some uncomfortable sensation in your mouth now, and probably the sensation of a sour lemon made you come up with weird faces. I don't know, but usually, it's what happens. Anyway, a lot of sensations happened within your mouth and probably expressed on your face for something that I asked you not to do, not to think, but regardless of me asking you not to do, not to think, your brain did anyway and created those sensations. So, my point with this exercise is to highlight that there is a part of our brain that works for us whether we want or not, and this is usually triggered by suggestions that we send to our brains. So, when you ask yourself about how to make your lifestyle possible, there is part of your brain that is gonna work for you to bring you answers, even if the answers don't come right away, like the sensation of the lemon, but eventually—
Hi there, Katia here to make a quick announcement. One of the biggest mistakes people make when they want to change their lifestyle and start attracting their own clients in revenue is quitting their jobs before preparing what they need. It usually happens because many of us were taught just how to become good employees with no access to marketing information that could actually set us free. Well, I've been there, and after discovering how marketing works and applying it myself, I started experiencing the freedom to work with something I really enjoy. Choose the days and time I'm available to work, travel wherever I want, whenever I want, and I wish the same for those who also want to experience that. I believe that a job can be something transitional, and marketing information should be accessible to everyone. That's why I've created the masterclass, "Attract Your Own Clients and Revenue Online." I wanna show you how to utilize your expertise and marketing strategies to attract your own clients and generate revenue online so you can step into the freedom you were meant to have. And better yet, this masterclass is absolutely free. To register, visit my website at neatlifestyle.com/programs or click on the link in the show notes of this episode, and we can get started right now.
Will, when the mind sits on the question, it starts to search for every opportunity, every connection, every route, every idea, and resources you can use that can provide you with the answer to how to make things possible. So, this phase of creating your vision is not to be taken lightly. Another example that I would like to bring up is Steve Jobs, when he created the iPhone. The concept of a smartphone was a great idea, and we keep trying to survive without it. It's difficult, right? That's why I have some time to unplug because, wow, it's really difficult to live without a smartphone. And to create the iPhone first, he envisioned it in his mind only, and then he asked himself and his team how to make it possible. He didn't ask if it was possible. He asked how to make it possible. And while some people were saying that it would be impossible and that he was crazy, others started to develop the micro versions of the components needed to make it happen.
Now the second insight is once you start to find the answers, and these answers may come in a form of ideas or you probably will spot a particular article on the web or in a magazine, identify the basic skills you need to learn to make it happen and be willing to learn them. Remember, part of making things happen is to learn how to make them happen, and you don't need to learn everything. Some things you can just order. A lot of things are pre-made. A lot of things are in the form of templates that you can just adjust to your needs. A lot of things already exist, and you just need to put together. And nowadays, we can find so many pre-made things or templates on the web so easily. So, learning the essential skills that give you freedom is one of the keys to unlocking your power.
Insight number three: talk to experts in the area. You can hire a coach or a mentor or participate in some coaching programs. Every successful person has a mentor, someone who can provide them with guidance, resources, exchange experiences, referrals, values, and insights that help them fill the gap between where they are and where they want to be.
Insight number four is: discreetly start gathering the tools and resources you need. Don't spread the word to everyone. Don't tell everyone. Choose wisely and carefully those you can share your plans with. And I'm telling you this because I made this mistake of telling my plans to a lot of people, and if I had been more selective of who I would share my plans with, I wouldn't have to deal with so much resistance. Believe me, some people create a lot of resistance, especially those who benefit from your status quo. They don't want things to change for you. If it's gonna impact them, change something their lives, somehow, they create a resistance. And of course, it's still possible to go against the grain, but it's harder. It was like for me to swim against the current, so it was painful in the beginning. Some of them, knowing my plans, would sit and watch me struggle and fighting for what I wanted and do nothing to help me. After a while, I had a lot of forgiveness exercise to do because it was really painful to me, and I mean emotionally painful, and I don't wish the same for you, so please be selective of the people you are gonna share your plans with.
And insight number five is to do the one thing per day. Having the one thing, at least one thing that can help you advance on your project, doing what it takes and being committed to keep moving forward. And if working independently with what you are passionate about is part of the lifestyle you want, join my workshop, Working with Passion. Let's hang out together as I share the essential skills and strategies you need to make it happen. Just head over to neatlifestyle.com/programs or click on the link in the show notes of this episode. If I could do it, you can do it too.
That's all for today. And remember, this podcast was meant to give you insights to enhance your life and help you achieve what you want. So, you are more than invited to listen to previous episodes. You can listen to them in order or just scroll through them and see which topic inspires you. I hope you received a good insight. If you did, please send me a DM on Instagram and let me know how this episode spoke to you. I can't wait to hear from you. I'm Katia Mesquita, and I'll see you in the next episode. Bye!
Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. If you liked what you heard today, be sure to share it with those you care about so they can also benefit from it. If you aren't already following me on social media, do so by clicking on the link on the show notes or simply by visiting my website at neatlifestyle.com. I appreciate you so much. I hope you have an amazing day. I'll see you in the next episode of The Neat Lifestyle Podcast.