The Neat Lifestyle Podcast
Redesign your lifestyle for a meaningful and fulfilling life. The Neat Lifestyle Podcast is a unique variety show that gives you an extra dose of inspiration and creates a bridge between where you are and where you want to go. Get ready for new perspectives, explore new possibilities, and create new turning points in your life. Listen now!
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Song: Green Lights
Performed By: DLP
Written by: Daniel Labate (BMI 100%)
Published by: Boss Soundstripe Productions (BMI 100%)
Song (Trailer): Epic Hybrid Trailer Music
Performed by: by 2CoolFire
Licensed by: Envato Market
Cover Photo: Angela Clifton Photography
Hair and Make-up: Casey J. Cheek
The Neat Lifestyle Podcast
#22: 5 Tips to Align Your Lifestyle with What You Want
One thing that can prevent people from achieving what they want is a lifestyle that goes in the opposite direction. Join me in this episode as I discuss ways for you to check and align your lifestyle with what you want.
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Song: Green Lights
Performed By: DLP
Written by: Daniel Labate (BMI 100%)
Published by: Boss Soundstripe Productions (BMI 100%)
Song (Trailer): Epic Hybrid Trailer Music
Performed by: by 2CoolFire
Licensed by: Envato Market
Cover Photo: Angela Clifton Photography
Hair and Make-up: Casey J. Cheek
Welcome to The Neat Lifestyle Podcast. My name is Katia Mesquita. I'm a life coach, an online business entrepreneur, and your host on this weekly variety show. I'm excited to bring you an extra dose of inspiration to reorganize life to find and go after what you really want. My goal in this podcast is to help you achieve a more successful, harmonious, and meaningful life. I can't wait to connect with you today. Thank you so much for tuning in, and now let's begin. Hello and welcome to The Neat Lifestyle Podcast, present in 42 countries worldwide. Thank you so much for listening. I am your host, Katia Mesquita, and this is episode number 22. In today's episode, I'm bringing 5 tips to align your lifestyle with what you want.
Many of us have a life vision, right? Know what we want, set goals to move toward them. We set short-term goals, medium-term goals, long-term goals, and the lifestyle we choose has a lot to do with achieving these goals. For those who don't know what they want in life yet, I would say start by identifying what you don't want and then it can point you to a direction because the opposite of what you don't want is going to point you to what you want. Just to give you an example, at a certain point in life I didn't want to be told what to do. I didn't want to work 9-5 and have my time off set by someone else. Then, I translated to the opposite of it, so what I wanted was to work independently. I wanted to have my own thing and design my work hours and my lifestyle the way I wanted, but when people are not achieving what they want, they need to check if their lifestyle is in alignment with the outcomes they want.
The reason I'm saying this is because a lot of people have a current lifestyle that actually goes in the opposite direction of their goals. In other words, a lifestyle that keeps them from achieving what they want. And what do I mean by a lifestyle that is in alignment with the outcome we want? What I mean is that the way we choose to live must facilitate the achievement of what we want. Just to give you a few examples, one is someone who wants to feel good with their physique, but their current lifestyle includes unhealthy habits and unhealthy nutrition like high sugar or extremely large portions, and this kind of lifestyle plays against what they want, so it's keeping them with the physique they don't like. This lifestyle is clearly out of alignment with the result this person wants to achieve. Another example is someone who wants to start having, like, their own clients, work independently, have their own business, and part of their lifestyle is isolating themselves, avoiding connecting with people, avoiding experiencing things, avoiding developing the ability to network, and networking is the basis of not only starting getting clients, starting a business, but also to grow the business. And this person doesn't have much good chance to succeed because there is an avoidance of exactly what they need to succeed. After all, opportunities come through people, through networking, and if they avoid networking, they are also avoiding opportunities.
So, to achieve what they want, they need to identify what's holding them back, get out of their comfort zone, learn what they need to learn and align their lifestyle with the results they want. Achievements in life imply changing your lifestyle, but the problem is that many people don't want to change because it's easier to keep things the way they are. So they keep doing the same things, expecting different results. And if you want different results, you need to do things differently, right? Anyway, a lifestyle out of alignment with what people want is one of the reasons why they feel like they are running around in circles and getting nowhere. One sign of this lack of alignment is when you may start to notice a pattern that keeps happening over and over. You know, no matter where you go, how much you keep trying, when life gets like a board game, you know, those board games in which to get to the finish line you are playing and keep, you keep moving your pieces forward. Sometimes, you get onto a space that says move three steps backward. And then you pull a card that says Move five steps forward. And then you keep going. When you finally get close to winning, you land in a space that says, go back to start, and then you have to start all over again. You know that game? It depends on what country, it can vary, but I used to play that kind of board games, and I really didn't— it wasn't fun. It was not fun always starting over without getting to the finish line.
So, when we see something similar happening in our lives, some kind of pattern that keeps repeating itself, it's something to pay attention to. Your lifestyle includes your behaviors, your choices, and your culture. And what usually happens is that when people are constantly living in autopilot mode, they don't give themselves the opportunity to notice what's going on, like that they are having a behavior or making choices or, anyway, having a lifestyle that's actually playing against what they want. Automating our habits can be helpful in a certain point until certain point because it helps us, somehow, save time. So we don't actually need to stop to think how to do, what to do most of the time. Just to give you an example, when we wake up, we just go ahead and brush our teeth without having to spend time thinking what to do. But when we keep doing everything, every action automatically, we miss the opportunity to realize what habit is conflicting with the achievement of our goals. Every habit becomes normalized, and we don't notice what's going on, but we can fix that. And here are some tips to help you identify if your lifestyle is out of alignment and change that so you can move in a direction that can make possible achieving what you want.
So, the first tip would be stopping a little bit to make some kind of assessment to check what's going on. So, having your goals in mind, start to pay attention to every single action you take during your day and start to question if that particular action, that particular habit is helping you achieve your goals. Check if it's, like, is saving your time or if it's actually wasting your time, if it simplifies things or also if it's healthy. Unhealthy habits, for instance, are not going to help you achieve your goals because they are going to deplete your energy over time, no matter what goal you have. Even if your goal is not related to your physique, unhealthy habits drain your energy and prevent you from achieving what you want. And be mindful that just because a label, a food label at the supermarket says healthy, it doesn't necessarily mean healthy because they may carry a lot of sugar, for instance, or a lot of chemicals, preservatives, or things that actually drains our energy. And regarding energy drinks, seriously, that stuff usually have a lot of sugar, a lot of chemicals, far away from being something natural. I really prefer going ahead and drinking water because it's more likely to energize me better and have a good night's sleep because, sometimes, when we are lacking in energy, it's because we didn't sleep well. And by paying attention to these things, like having a good balanced nutrition and some movement, some exercising during your day, everything in moderation, and also sleeping well, is going to help you with that energy much more than a quick fix.
And what about pills? Are you kind of taking pills to wake up? Taking pills to stay awake? Taking pills to sleep? Over time, it can be unsustainable because it's artificial. It's like not having your own body working because some artificiality is working for your body. And what usually happens is that what we don't use in our body eventually gets atrophy. It's like a muscle. When we stop using a muscle, it's atrophies. So, if we start and keeping having this habit of depending on pills to wake up, to remain awake, and to go to sleep without the natural way to do it, we might be preventing our bodies to function by themselves. Anyway, I just want to make sure that you don't take this as personal advice. I'm not a doctor, of course, and this is just based on personal opinion, personal experiences that I'm sharing with you about things that I do and about my lifestyle.
So, in my personal opinion, when people rely on exterior stimuli to help them wake up, to help them stay awake, and help them to sleep constantly, it wouldn't be a surprise for me if, eventually, their bodies unlearn how to function well by themselves. And there are so many natural ways to regain that, like when you have a nutrition in the morning that is more based on protein, it can help you with energy, and exercising in the morning helps you to, especially if you have like a sunny day, whenever is possible, of course, sometimes it depends on the country, a lot of snow, right? But anyway, some exercising, and then to sleep at night after you had some exercise during the day, after having your normal activities, when you adapt your habits to having a time to slow down, to turn off electronics and start to listen to more calm music or reading a book or doing some activities that are more calm can be helpful to sleep. I usually do some breathing exercises. It's really helpful for me to sleep, to calm down, and also oxygenate my brain, and I love to listen to some guided affirmations to sleep. If you want, I can share my affirmations to sleep. I call "Guided Affirmations to Sleep." I'll put the link in the show notes for you. I love using that. I use some special songs. It helps me calm down, relax, and fall asleep.
Hi there, Katia here to make a quick announcement. One of the biggest mistakes people make when they want to change their lifestyle and start attracting their own clients in revenue is quitting their jobs before preparing what they need. It usually happens because many of us were taught just how to become good employees with no access to marketing information that could actually set us free. Well, I've been there, and after discovering how marketing works and applying it myself, I started experiencing the freedom to work with something I really enjoy. Choose the days and time I'm available to work, travel wherever I want, whenever I want, and I wish the same for those who also want to experience that. I believe that a job can be something transitional, and marketing information should be accessible to everyone. That's why I've created the masterclass, "Attract Your Own Clients and Revenue Online." I wanna show you how to utilize your expertise and marketing strategies to attract your own clients and generate revenue online so you can step into the freedom you were meant to have. And better yet, this masterclass is absolutely free. To register, visit my website at neatlifestyle.com/programs or click on the link in the show notes of this episode, and we can get started right now.
And also check on how you feel. Do you feel, like, burned out? Do you take some time for yourself to recharge? To connect with nature? Unplugging from electronic devices and center? Keep checking. Checking also other aspects of your life. How is your work doing? Is your work helping you achieve what you want? Are you happy and at peace with waking up and going to work? And what about relationships in general? Are you networking with people who can, you know, give you some attention, feel happy giving you attention and adding value to you, exchanging valuable information with you and experiences that can be helpful to the achievement of your goals? And how about your romantic partner? How about your intimate relationship? Do you have one? If you do, are you both on the same page or there is something off? Something holding you back? Okay, this was kind of a checkup, right?
Now, tip number two is connecting with higher-minded people. We usually get too comfortable in keeping hanging out just with like-minded people, but consider also hanging out with higher-minded people. People who already have what you want, people who are a step ahead of you who can maybe exchange good information with you. You can learn from them. And for those who might be asking, "Okay, how do I reach them?" Actually, by starting habits that they also have. Usually, successful people read at least 30 books per year, and if you don't read any book during the whole year, you may have difficulties to relate to them. When you elevate your habits, you increase the possibilities of hanging out with higher-minded people because they also love to exchange information to get insights. And it's okay if you're not ready yet to read, like, 30 books a year, but if you read at least four during a year, okay? One per quarter. That would be making a huge difference in your entire life, in a way you relate to people. And then you can join book clubs. Actually, it's a good place to socialize and also find higher-minded people. Another way to connect with higher-minded people is by playing different sports. So, pay attention to that. Where are they hanging out? Start hanging out over there, too, and normalizing that.
Tip number three: improving yourself. And it's also one of the ways to connect with higher-minded people. And when you improve yourself, when you keep learning, you become more tolerant and develop excellence in problem-solving. You also develop more good ways to, like, you master, start mastering relationships. You'll start mastering how to modulate your emotions, how to deal with your emotions, and also how to deal with other people's emotions. Also, when you improve yourself, you start to become even more interesting, more pleasant, more sophisticated, and having a behavior and making choices that are more in alignment with the achievement of your goals.
Tip number four: elevating your inner state. It also helps with connection and creativity. You can become more creative and open that door for, you know, the million-dollar idea when you elevate your inner state. By raising our vibration, elevating our beliefs, and strengthening our identity, which is going to reflect in our personality. I talk about how to raise our vibration and elevate our inner state interstate in general in episode number 16, so if you missed that, please make sure to go back and check the episode 16 out. It gives you a boost not only in increasing your connections, your relationships, but also in putting yourself in alignment with the achievement of your goals.
Tip number five: creating reminders for yourself to keep things on track. Creating, like, a vision board with images that represent your goals or whatever you want to achieve in a good way to keep your goals in mind. Some people prefer to put some pictures on their walls or on their mirrors. I prefer to create some kind of vision board in the form of wallpaper on my phone. It's like the screensaver on my phone or on my computer because I keep seeing it at every moment. So, I'm constantly reminding my goals, what I want, and keep it keeps me going.
Okay, and that's all for today. And remember, this podcast was meant to give you insights to enhance your life and help you achieve what you want. So, you are invited to listen to previous episodes. They were built in a way to remain up to date. You can listen them as your weekly dose of extra inspiration. Just scroll through them and see which topic resonates with you. I hope you received some value. If you did, please let me know. Send me a DM on Instagram and let me know how this episode spoke to you. I'm Katia Mesquita, and I'll see you in the next episode. Bye!
Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. If you liked what you heard today, be sure to share it with those you care about so they can also benefit from it. If you aren't already following me on social media, do so by clicking on the link on the show notes or simply by visiting my website at neatlifestyle.com. I appreciate you so much. I hope you have an amazing day. I'll see you in the next episode of The Neat Lifestyle Podcast.