The Neat Lifestyle Podcast

#20: 10 Things You Should Never Do If You Want to Be Successful.

Katia Mesquita Episode 20

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In this episode, we explore unique perspectives about following your passion, the difference between passion and purpose, and a deep reflection about life. Join me today as we dive into this life-changing topic. Listen now!

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Song: Green Lights
Performed By: DLP
Written by: Daniel Labate (BMI 100%)
Published by: Boss Soundstripe Productions (BMI 100%)

Song (Trailer): Epic Hybrid Trailer Music
Performed by: by 2CoolFire
Licensed by: Envato Market

Cover Photo: Angela Clifton Photography
Hair and Make-up: Casey J. Cheek

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This is The Neat Lifestyle Podcast, episode number 20. In today's episode, let's talk about 10 things you should never do if you wanna be successful, so stay tuned.

Welcome to The Neat Lifestyle Podcast. My name is Katia Mesquita. I'm a life coach, an online business entrepreneur, and your host on this weekly variety show. I'm excited to bring you an extra dose of inspiration to get organized, find, and go after what you really want. My goal in this podcast is to help you achieve a more successful, harmonious, and meaningful life. I can't wait to connect with you today. Thank you so much for tuning in, and now let's begin. Hello and welcome to The Neat Lifestyle Podcast, now in 41 countries worldwide. OMG, It's getting bigger. I'm sending all my love to you all. This is so exciting because I'm really doing what I'm passionate about, so thank you so much for listening. 

I'm your host, Katia Mesquita, and after seeing so many people struggle, I have identified some things holding them back and keeping them from becoming successful. In many cases, the struggle is because they are trying to succeed using unsuccessful and ineffective means. So, let's make a strategic stop to consider 10 things you should never do if you wanna be successful. First one: believing that just making a lot of money means being successful. Success requires a more comprehensive look. Having a lot of money and no time to enjoy life, for instance, doesn't seem very successful. 

The second thing you should not do if you want to be successful is not considering what genuinely fulfills you. You need to consider what fulfills you and makes you genuinely happy. And I want to highlight the word genuinely here because many people just keep appearances of happiness, but deep inside they are mostly pleasing others, and if they get really honest with themselves, they will see that they are completely unhappy. Some of them may say also that they feel happy just by making other people happy all the time. It's like they don't exist, they are not considered. The problem with being a people pleaser and not considering themselves or not having some relative balance in the equation is that it leads them to not being valued and ultimately not experiencing fulfillment in life. The thing is that people are looking for valuable people to connect with. If you keep just pleasing others and not considering yourself, somehow, through your actions, you are communicating that you don't value. Therefore, they won't value you. 

Number three: lacking self-confidence. If you don't trust yourself, if you don't have this self-confidence, you cannot expect others to have faith in you or in whatever you say you do. This is one thing, but another thing that I don't really understand is when the person recognizes lacking self-confidence and does nothing about it, and it's something so possible to learn and improve over time. 

Number four: having a fear of failure. Fear of failure causes hesitance in doing what needs to be done and decreases the possibility of being successful. Failure happens when we give up. Not being successful in the first few attempts is not failure. It's a temporary defeat. It's just discovering ways that don't work. Persistence in keeping changing the approach is one of the keys to success. 

Number five: saying bad things about yourself. Same principle here. If you keep bringing up bad things about yourself, you communicate that you don't value. Therefore, people won't value you, and why should you care? Because we all need connections. Success and opportunities come through people. 

Number six: avoid connecting with people to avoid unpleasant feelings. Those who avoid unpleasant feelings also avoid all the good that could come from connecting. 

Number seven: stop learning. Stop learning is one of the biggest mistakes someone can do. Successful people are always evolving, improving their weaknesses, adapting to the changes in the world, and exchanging information, useful information with others. The good thing is that it's always possible to learn something new. Stop learning limits you, prevents you from staying relevant, from innovate, from using your brain, and if we don't use something, some part of our body, it will atrophy. It's like a muscle. If we don't use a muscle, it will atrophy. 

Number eight: letting emotions get in the way of professionalism. When emotions are always getting in the way, it can hold you back, decrease productivity, affect professional relationships, decision making, so if it's happening to you, consider learning how to manage emotions. One good way to learn how to manage emotions is by reading a book. There are so many books on the subject. The one I cannot recommend enough is my number one book to read is "90 Seconds to a Life You Love," written by psychologist Joan Rosenberg, PhD. It's a very conversational book, easy to read or better yet, easy to listen to the audiobook version of it. This book completely changed my life, the way I approach life, the way I perceive things. I used to have this problem before. I used to stop everything because of my emotions. It's like, oh, okay, I was feeling sad, so I would stop something or lose an opportunity or give up on something important or completely stop going after what I wanted in life.

Number nine: procrastinating. Keep putting things off can lead to loss of great opportunities, miss that lines or timing, and there is a timing for certain things. The timing, for instance, between you and the person who is giving you the opportunity. And then comes the feeling of guilt, and what usually leads people to procrastinate is when they rely only on motivation to do things. People wait until they get motivated to do what they need to do, and okay, motivation is great when we have it. I like to look for something that can motivate me, but I don't rely only on motivation for that. It is important to be consistent and be committed to what needs to be done, no matter if we are motivated or not. 

And number 10: not taking control over your time. Letting time have power over you by not setting priorities, not limiting the time you spend scrolling on social media, for instance, or the time you spend with things that don't serve you, don't lead you to achieve what you want, and people who drain your energy, people who are not even part of those who are your top priorities. Anyway, things started to change for me for the better when I started paying attention to these things. There is time to revise and give yourself a new opportunity to see things differently, consider new ideas, and make even a slight change that can help you improve your life and be even more successful. 

Okay, that's all today. I hope you had some takeaways from this episode. If you did, please send me a message on Instagram telling how this episode spoke to you. The link to my Instagram is on the show notes of this episode, and you can also follow me there for extra inspiration. I'm Katia Mesquita, and I'll see you in the next episode. Bye!

Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. If you liked what you heard today, be sure to share it with those you care about so they can also benefit from it. If you aren't already following me on social media, do so by clicking on the link on the show notes or simply by visiting my website at I appreciate you so much. I hope you have an amazing day. I'll see you in the next episode of The Neat Lifestyle Podcast.

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