The Neat Lifestyle Podcast

#16: Organizing to Raise Your Vibe (Part 1 of The Changing Our Inner State 3-Part Series).

Katia Mesquita Episode 16

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Mess in our lives has a lot to do with messy vibes. Today's episode is part 1 of The Changing Our Inner State 3-Part Series. In this very special episode, you will explore a more scientific approach to our vibes, the vibes of other people and places, how they affect us, and how we can organize to raise them and use them in our favor.

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Song: Green Lights
Performed By: DLP
Written by: Daniel Labate (BMI 100%)
Published by: Boss Soundstripe Productions (BMI 100%)

Song (Trailer): Epic Hybrid Trailer Music
Performed by: by 2CoolFire
Licensed by: Envato Market

Cover Photo: Angela Clifton Photography
Hair and Make-up: Casey J. Cheek


What's Hertz (article)



Five Human Brain Waves Frequency (article)

Human Brain Waves (article)

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This is The Neat Lifestyle Podcast, episode number 16. Today's episode is all about organizing to raise your vibe, so stay tuned. 

Welcome to The Neat Lifestyle Podcast. My name is Katia Mesquita. I'm a personal organization expert, an online business entrepreneur, and your host on this weekly variety show. I'm excited to bring you an extra dose of inspiration to become more organized, stay organized, and make things work better for you. My goal in this podcast is to help you achieve a more functional, harmonious, and meaningful life. I can't wait to connect with you today. Thank you so much for tuning in, and now let's begin. Hello and welcome to The Neat Lifestyle Podcast, now present in 32 countries all over the world. Oh my goodness, thank you so much. Of course, I cannot list all of the countries in just one episode. So, today, my special thank you goes to my listeners here in the US and also in the UK, Bulgaria, France, New Zealand, Mexico, Malawi, Costa Rica, Argentina, Trinidad and Tobago, Portugal, Germany, Italy, Japan. 

Wow, thank you so much for listening, and thank you all of those who sent me feedback about the podcast and how each episode has contributed to making some difference in their lives. I'm sending you my good vibes, and I hope you receive it. I'm your host, Katia Mesquita, and the fact that we don't see certain things doesn't mean they don't exist. One of them is our vibe and other people's vibe, but what does it mean and why should we care about it? A mess in our lives has a lot to do with messy vibes, and today, we are going to explore this connection between them. Anyway, let's bring up some examples of things we don't see, but we know they exist, right? One of the things is the law of gravity, right? We know there's gravity. Everything that we release from our hands are gonna go straight to the floor if we don't hold them. 

Another example is the magnet you stick on your fridge. This magnetic energy— if you take one of those magnets from your fridge and place a metal paper clip nearby, it attracts the paper clip and we don't see the magnetic energy, but we see it working, the results, okay? And also how fast this movement is of the paperclip when it sticks to the magnet. What else? Internet signal, Wi-Fi that we use to connect to the internet. We don't see the waves. Wi-Fi uses radio waves to transmit information between your device and a router via frequencies of vibration measured in hertz. We don't see the waves, but we see the information being received in our mobile phones. We are also able to talk wirelessly with a person far away from us in other country, for instance, and a hertz, as most of us already know, is a measurement of the frequency of the vibration. 

One hertz corresponds to one vibration per second. I'll put the links to all sources of the information I'm bringing in in the show notes of this episode, and the Britannica dictionary explains it very well. They say that if you are sitting on a beach, for instance, watching the waves crash to shore, if you measured the time between each wave crash, you would be measuring the frequency of the waves. One hertz is a frequency of one wave per second. One gigahertz on the other hand, is 1 billion waves per second. The higher the frequency, the greater the amount of data transmitted per second. Another thing we don't see, and we know exists: sound waves of the radio. When you are listening to the radio in your car, you turn the radio on, you tune in at a certain frequency, also measured in hertz, and you can listen to a certain radio station. 

If we dial a different frequency, we tune in to a different radio station, right? And that is pretty much how we can change between radio stations when a radio starts to play music we don't like or the commercials. So, similarly, each one of us emits waves. Of course, one of the ways that we emit waves is using our voice. The human voice averages a frequency band of 1000 hertz, also called one kilohertz. This equals 1000 vibrations per second. It works like that: the greater the number of cycles per second, the higher the frequency and the higher the pitch of sound. This is not big deal, but the thing is that even when we are in silence, our brains emit waves, measurable waves, and that's when things start to get juicy. 

We can see that electroencephalography, also known as EEG, a method of recording electrical activity of the brain. It works like this: they put a lot of metal discs called electrodes with wires on our scalp. These electrodes analyze the electrical impulses in our brain and send signals to a computer that records the results in a paper, and we can actually see the paper printed with a lot of waves, right? I don't know if you had the opportunity to do that, but it's very interesting, and an average human EEG will show certain patterns of activity that correlate with how awake the person is. The range of the frequencies observed is usually between 1 and 35 hertz. When our brain's activity go from a range between 0.5 and 4 hertz, they call this range delta waves. When it varies from 4 to 7 hertz, they call theta waves. When this frequency varies from 8 to 13 hertz, they call alpha waves. When it varies from 13 to 30 hertz, they call beta waves. And when this frequency goes above 30 hertz, it's called gamma waves.

And besides electric activities, our brains generate magnetic fields and they occur naturally in our brains. The scientific technique for mapping a brain activity recording magnetic fields is called magnetoencephalography, also known as MAG, and it uses highly sensitive magnetometers. And our hearts also generate magnetic fields. The heart's magnetic field can be measured several feet away from the body by sensitive magnetometers, and as machines can detect electrical and magnetic activities in the brain, the brain also picks up on energetic, magnetic, and electrical activities in other brains and environments. And this distinctive capability of sensing or being sensed is called vibe. Our vibration! Just to give you an example, when people say, "This place has a bad vibe" or "That person has a good vibe," it has to do with the waves and magnetic fields that a person or a place can emit. 

And we don't even need exactly any scientific explanation because most of us feel something. We may not know how to explain, but we sense something in certain places or when we are surrounded by certain people. We just feel if we are comfortable or not. But why should we care about it? What does this whole vibe thing have to do with us and how can it affect and mess up with our lives? Before I expand on the subject, let me just make a disclaimer, especially for those who are new in the show. What we are discussing here are reflections based on personal experiences, articles, and books I have read, and they should not be taken as advice. So, if you know or suspect that you have a psychological or health problem, you should consult your doctor or another trained health or mental health professional, okay? With that said, let's get back to the episode. 

When people and places emit low vibes, it can drain our energy, it can put us down, it can cause stress, fatigue, disease, creating a downward spiral and making it harder and harder to get out of the situation. And these are just some examples of ways we can mess up our lives, and we should care about it because it can influence and determine our future. External vibrations and also our internal vibrations influence our inner state and our inner state can determine what kind of people and opportunities we attract to our lives with this great potential of changing our reality. Our inner state is the sum of our beliefs, our dominant vibration, and our core identity. In a book called "Power vs. Force by Dr. David Hawkins," he demonstrates that everything has energy that vibrates at different frequencies. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions also vibrate. Each human emotion has a different vibration, and according to his scale, feelings of shame, sadness, and fear vibrate at low frequencies, while feelings like love, happiness, and peace vibrate at higher and uplifting frequencies. 

When things are not going well, people usually wait for things to get better and then transmit a good vibe and happiness. And that's why things take too long to get better. Because it's backward. When things are not going well, we must transmit good vibes and happiness so that things can get better. We don't wait things to get better to emit good vibrations because by emitting good vibrations, we can get better. People are attracted by good vibes, and people are those who either give us opportunities or embrace opportunities we create. Raising our vibration is something we can decide on, and it's the way we can shift things to a more favorable situation. We cannot get to a better situation if we persist with the same vibration. It's like trying to listen to FM music on the am band radio frequency. It won't work. We have to change the frequency to improve the quality of our lives. 

I'm going to bring Einstein again, like in the last episode, because one thing that Einstein said was the definition of insanity is keep doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. So, if we want to change things in our lives, we need to do things differently. Our inner states can attract or repel what we desire. For that, I'm going to bring up Plato's quote. He said, "The world is what we think it is. If we can change our thoughts, we can change the world." And our friend Plato, the Greek philosopher, has been saying this for a long time, since just 350 years before Christ. And how can we apply that to our lives? How can we fix that? One of the secrets of fixing a mess in our lives, achieving what we desire, and experiencing fulfillment in the journey is transforming our inner state. 

And here is how you can transform your inner state: to be able to transform our inner state we need to work on our beliefs, vibration, and identity. Today, we are talking about one of these elements, the vibration. So this is going to be a three-part series, and in the next episode, episode number 17, we will talk about another element of the inner state, which is our beliefs. And in episode number 18, we will talk about the third element, our core identity. So, if you are not following this podcast yet, follow on your favorite player, whether you're listening on Apple Podcast or Spotify, iHeartRadio, or another favorite one, to make sure you will complete this series because it's going to be a game changer for you. 

And how can we raise our vibration? Before raising the vibration, we need to protect our energy. You cannot raise what you lost. If you lose energy, you need to regain it to be able to raise it. And how can you protect your energy? First: minimizing contact with low-vibe people. Sometimes, it's inevitable, sometimes, even some family members or close friends are kind of toxic people. People who are usually bringing up negativity, gossip, heaviness, complaints, criticism, having toxic behaviors that drag us down, you know, you feel like energy was drained after spending some time with them. So, it is a good idea to minimize the time we spend with those people. They still need us somehow because we can contribute to elevate their vibration, but we need also to protect ourselves from those kind of energy. Also, avoiding excessive exposure to the news, sensationalism, and all the noise of social media. 

You see, while so many good things are happening right now in the world, they want to bring up tragedy. And they say that it's what sells, and this is what people want to see. This is what gets people's attention, but it might have been this way in the past, but I believe now, especially among the new generation, many, many of them are no longer watching TV. They are carefully choosing what to watch. They want more uplifting content, more fun content, more enriching content. Once you protect your energy, now it's time to raise the vibration. And the first thing we do to raise our vibration is recognizing the state we are in, paying attention to our thoughts, feelings. Are we feeling high vibe, but being surrounded by people or a place with a low vibe? Or are we in a high vibe surrounded by high-vibe people and a high-vibe place? 

And if we are not with a high vibe, are we in a low vibe constantly with negative thoughts, transmitting a low-vibe energy to other people, that at this point, may be avoiding us, right? Or are we in low vibe exchanging low-vibe energy with other low-vibe people in a spiral of negativity? Pay attention to that. We should care about it because it can determine our future and the life we want to build. Our vibration influences our inner state, and our inner state can determine what kind of people and opportunities we attract to our lives, changing our reality. So, we can choose. We have a say on that. We can choose keeping the reality as it is or changing our reality by changing our inner state. 

Number two: become aware of the source of the low vibration. Whether it's the environment we are in or low-vibe activities that we choose, people we hang out with, or if it comes from ourselves, from our thoughts. Sometimes, we are the ones generating low-vibe feelings by having low-vibe thoughts. 

Number three: not resisting to unpleasant feelings and unpleasant experiences. When we are experiencing something that make us sad or having shame or having, you know, these low-vibe feelings, we need to take a moment and allow ourselves to feel those unpleasant feelings so they can go away, they can pass. We should not avoid them, we should not resist them. By letting them be for a moment, you can overcome them, and you can get stronger, and you can be better and have a better vibration. And once we experience them, we let them pass and not spend too much time and energy on them. I usually limit the time I spend on sadness on— I feel them, but I don't spend too much time feeling sad. I usually refresh my feelings in the opportunity of a new day that begins tomorrow. So, the day after, usually, I have this kind of commitment to myself to feel better than the day before, and so on. 

Number four: creating boundaries. Just as we have boundaries set to protect our homes, we also need to set boundaries to protect our energy. We need to identify our core values, needs, and limits, and be honest and clear in communicating them to others. Saying no to requests that are not in alignment with our core values and in relationships, communicating clearly on how you expect to be treated, letting them know what is acceptable and what crosses the line. We don't lose love when we set boundaries. Instead, we are going to gain admiration. It's about protecting yourself to ensure you will show up a better person, a better version of yourself. And, of course, we also need to be firm in imposing these boundaries if they are violated. 

Number five: spending more time with people with higher vibrations who energize us. Also, choosing more enriching activities like good documentaries, good books, podcasts, personal growth coaching programs, socializing in person, joining offline clubs. There is a super cool movement promoted by a page on Instagram called The Offline Club. I love their initiative. They bring people together in person, completely offline. No phones, no internet connection, to socialize in person and swap the screen for real time. I follow them, and I can't wait to join them at some of their events and detox hangouts. 

Number six: recognizing and being grateful for what we already have. When we stop to recognize at least every day in the morning, one thing that I do is to recognize at least three things I'm grateful for, and then I get up in a better mood and I start having this higher vibration. 

Number six: developing confidence. Developing that faith, that certainty that everything is rigged in your favor. 

Number seven: changing the vocabulary and reframing our statements for more favorable ones. Instead of saying, for instance, I'm broke, say things like I'm building wealth. I'm on the path of success. That is a healthier way to communicate to yourself, to your brain that you are not focused on the problem itself, on being broke. It's focused on developing ways and strategies to build wealth. 

Number eight: changing some beliefs. For instance, practicing seeing hard times differently as opportunities to get stronger and become a better person, a better version of yourself.

Number nine: movement, exercises, going for a walk, especially in touch with nature.

Number ten: avoiding low-vibe content, especially before going to bed. When we are going to bed, this is a very special moment, and being exposed to horror movies or tragedy, news, bad news can leave an impression, a very negative impression in our subconscious mind, and this impression can remain with us for a few days. We can feel frightened and don't be surprised if things start not working so well. Instead, if we practice good thoughts or even pray right before falling asleep, as long as we don't bring up the problem in the prayer, we are gonna raise our vibration and be better the next day. Sleep time is a special moment when we communicate with our subconscious mind, and I learn it from ancient wisdom. I usually expand on it in my coaching programs, but just to give you an idea, we should care more about our sleep time and our subconscious mind, this communication when we are drowsy, getting there to sleep because it plays a big role in our next day and also in our future. Our minds are more powerful than we can imagine, and the mind can work for us regardless of whether we want or not. 

Just to give you an example, try not to think in a lime being squeezed in your mouth, and you try not to think in this lime and you chewing this lime. What happened? Did you produce saliva? Okay, but I said to you not to think about it, but your brain thought anyway and created the "reality" of experiencing the effects of your mouth, probably your face. I believe you probably frowned your face as well because somehow you produced this sensation of discomfort in your mouth, regardless of whether you wanted or not. So, my point here is to say that your subconscious mind is powerful, and we are always communicating to our minds and our minds working to produce the results. 

Number eleven: making better use of our attention and focus. We should not focus on the problems. Instead, we need to focus on the solution. When we focus on the problem, we are giving our attention to look for more problems that may come from the problem that we already have, and then we don't see when a solution or a good opportunity appears. When we focus on the solution, our brains start to look for other ways to overcome the problem and enable us to see other possibilities and solutions. 

Number twelve: being present and look for the good in the journey, enjoying the journey instead of focusing only on the destination. 

And number thirteen, the last one, at least here in this episode, because there are so many other ways to raise our vibrations, is to have some time to rest. Make sure we have a good night's sleep, make everything in our power for that, and take care of our bodies, recharging our physical energy because physical fatigue can influence our vibration.

That's all for today. On the next episode, we are going to talk about our beliefs as part two of this three-part series, especially the limiting beliefs that influence our inner state. I hope you had some takeaways today. If you did, please send me a direct message on Instagram telling me how this episode spoke to you. The link to my Instagram page is on the show notes of this episode. You can also follow me on Instagram for extra inspiration. I'm Katia Mesquita, and I'll see you in the next episode. Bye!

Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. If you liked what you heard today, be sure to share it with those you care about so they can also benefit from it. If you aren't already following me on social media, do so by clicking on the link on the show notes or simply by visiting my website at I appreciate you so much. I hope you have an amazing day. I'll see you in the next episode of The Neat Lifestyle Podcast.

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